Autumnal Collection

The Autumnal Collection captures the excitement of the changing seasons and the anticipation of holiday celebrations. These pieces promise to brighten and warm your home as the nights grow colder and the days grow shorter. Age-old handicraft techniques ensure that each piece is unique and captures the perfectly imperfect gestures inherent in objects made by hand. Each falling leaf, speckled pumpkin, and twisted stem becomes a metaphor for life itself and acts as a reminder of the passage of time and the ephemeral beauty of life.

October Decor | Michael Aram
Michael Aram New Leaves Sago Palm Bread Plate
Michael Aram New Leaves Ginkgo Double Compartment Dish
Michael Aram Glass Pumpkin Large
Coming Soon
Michael Aram Vine Cheese Knife Set
Michael Aram New Leaves Grape Leaf Snack Plate
Michael Aram Vine Grape Leaf Dish
Michael Aram Vine Extra Large Cheese Board with Knife
Michael Aram Vine Candleholders
Michael Aram New Leaves Elephant Ear Large Serving Bowl
Michael Aram New Leaves Monstera Centerpiece
Michael Aram New Leaves Magnolia Medium Platter
Michael Aram Autumn Leaf Centerpiece
Michael Aram Autumn Leaf Small Bowl
Michael Aram New Leaves Banana Leaf Large Platter
Michael Aram Vine Wood Board
Michael Aram Vine Serving Set
Michael Aram Skeleton Chair
Michael Aram Vine Pitcher
Michael Aram Vine Double Dish